A usd coin casino operates in the same way as a regular online casino, except players fund their accounts with usd coins instead of fiat currencies. They can choose to play a wide range of games including table games, slots and video poker. The main benefit is that usd coin transactions are instantaneous, unlike traditional bank transfers which can sometimes take up to a day or more. Usd coin casinos also offer a variety of bonuses including deposit bonus deals and free spins.
In the past few years, usd coin casinos have become extremely popular among players who seek full privacy and anonymity when it comes to online gambling. In addition, many of these casinos don’t require any personal data from their customers as they use the blockchain technology that underlies usd coin to keep players’ funds secure.
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Chair One Fitness is a super fun chair-based dance fitness program with activities of daily living incorporated into all our cool dance moves. We are not only keeping people moving, but smiling too!
Whether you are a student or an instructor, we have you covered.
STUDENTS: Our On Demand Workouts are perfect for anyone who can benefit from a seated workout. This includes older adults, people who use mobility aids, have arthritis, dementia, chronic pain, amputations, limited mobility or are obese and getting started on their weight loss journey.
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To go beyond boundaries created by perceived limitations, enabling everyone to stay active mentally and physically; no matter their age and ability.
National Certification Council for Activity Professionals (8 CEUs)
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (8 Hours)
National Academy of Sports Medicine (8 CEUs)
Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (8 CEUs)
National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners (8 CEUs)
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center(8 CEUs)
International Sports Sciences Association (8 CEUs)
New Zealand Society of Diversional and Recreational Therapy (8 CEUs)
Canadian Fitness Professional, Inc. (4 CEUs)
(10 CEU's)
Chair One Fitness is a chair-based dance fitness program.
We cater to anyone who has complications with standing during a fitness regimen.
This includes senior citizens, people with balance deficits, chronic pain, injuries, disabilities, suffering from obesity, and more.
It is designed to keep individuals mobile and to ensure they remain progressive in daily function and/or recovery.
We deliver a fun, interactive workout that uplifts people while providing a total body workout.